Saturday 19 May 2012

Overlooking the Culloden Battlefield

Saturday 19th May 2012
Woke this morning to a great improvement in the weather. Sunshine at last and a little warmer with temperature about 14°.
Set off early this morning to visit the Culloden Battlefield on Drummossie Moor, about 5 miles east of Inverness.
The Battle of Culloden was fought here on 16th April 1746 between the Jacobite army, (who wanted to reclaim the Thrones of Britain & Ireland for the Stuart King James) and the army of the British Government. The battle was over in less than an hour, with the English defeating Bonnie Prince Charlie for the first time. Approximately 1200 Jacobite soldiers died in the battle compared to only around 50 of the British forces. The National Trust now preserves a large area of the battlefield, which includes the stone grave markers of the Clans who fought in the Jacobite Army, the Memorial Cairn and the field of the English (a burial ground). The Trust is aiming to return the battlefield to its appearance in 1746 through scrub control. A very interesting couple of hours were spent walking around the battlefield, which is the site of the last battle fought on English soil.

Cawdor Castle
Next on todays visit list was Cawdor Castle- a very beautiful castle with parts of it dating back to the 14th century. Did a tour of the interior and had a light lunch in the Castle tearoom. 

Church of Scotland Cawdor
Back in the car for the short trip into Cawdor village. Located the Church of Scotland and the adjoining graveyard. We spent some time searching the headstones for family history. We know my great great grandfather on my paternal grandmothers side of the family is buried there and we think we located his headstone.
Returned to Inverness and finished another excellent day of sight seeing with dinner at the Castle Tavern. Beef and ale pie for Lynne followed by bread and butter pudding. I had haggis neeps and tatties. No dessert for me, I finished off with a whiskey.

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