Sunday 18 May 2014

Friday 16th May 2014
An early start this morning. Up at 6:00am, breakfast in our Stateroom, then boarded our bus at 7.30am for the trip to Rome. Weather today is predicted to be warm with some high cloud, temperature expected to be 21°.
The bus trip from Civitavecchia (the port for Rome) took about 1½ hours to travel 80 kms. The road system in Italy is not good and the traffic is even worse, particularly in Rome where the only rule seems to be that there are no rules.

The site of Circus Maximus
On the way we drove past the site of the “Circus Maximus” where the chariot races took place -  the competitors had to do 7 laps. Ben Hur came to mind as the tour guide was explaining the site.
We also drove past Trojans column, Piazza Venezia, Villa Borghese and Castel S’Angelo.
The first stop was St Peter’s in Chains, a basilica dating back to the imperial age where the chains that were used to bind St Peter when he was arrested are on display. The building is nothing to look at from the outside but once inside the décor is stunning.
Continued walking to the ruins of the ancient Roman Forum. During the period of the Roman Empire this was the political, social and cultural heart of the Empire where all the public speaking was done and victories celebrated. Also saw the tomb of Julius Caesar.
Roman Forum

Next was the site we had been waiting for, the Colosseum. It was awesome to think we were visiting and walking round a structure which is over 2000 years old. The stadium features 76 numbered entrances, seating for 50,000 people and subterranean passages. Despite the huge amount of scaffolding around the outside due to restoration work, it was still a fantastic sight both inside and out.
External view of Colosseum

Inside the Colosseum

As it was now about 1:30pm we stopped for lunch at a local restaurant. Three courses including wine and coffee.
Back on the bus for the short drive to St Peters Basilica in the Vatican. The Vatican was granted City status by Mussolini in 1926.
The crowd was enormous and the queues were far too long for us to be able to go into St Peters Basilica so we spent some time in St Peters Square.

St Peter Square

After another 1½-hour bus trip we arrived back at the ship at 5:30pm.

All in all a great day, Rome is a very interesting city but is very crowded and there were lots of beggars and street vendors particularly around the Vatican.

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