Monday 22 August 2016

Sunday 21st August 2016
Overcast sky with a few showers this morning, with expected temperature range 13°- 21°.
After an excellent breakfast of cereal, scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, toast & tea/coffee we set off with Heather & Mick  to the Hauptbahnhof (Central Railway Station), as they were going on a day excursion to Neuschwanstein Castle.
After leaving the station we walked back to the Hotel, picked up our cameras, and went to St Peter’s Church (Munich’s oldest parish church) to climb the 306 steps to the top of Alter Peter (the bell tower). The view was fantastic and definitely worth the climb. Back down at ground level and having done our exercise for the morning it was time for lunch.

View from top of Alter Peter (bell tower)

Lynne at top of tower
Viewing platform at top of Alter Peter

stairwell up to top of tower

View from top of Alter Peter video

More exercise this afternoon walking to and around the Deutsches Museum, which was very interesting with lots of machinery, mechanical toy exhibits as well as a floor dedicated to marine navigation.

Deutsches Museum

Next on the agenda was afternoon tea with cake, a must in Munich.

We have certainly done our exercise today having walked approx. 8klms so we did not feel guilty about going to the pub again tonight for dinner of original wiener schnitzel, potatoes, salad accompanied by a litre of dark beer for me and a glass of Riesling for Lynne.

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