Sunday 4 September 2016

 Saturday 3rd September 2016
He ship sailed over night and docked in Bratislava at 7:00am.
Great weather again today 27° with clear blue sky and no wind.
Breakfast at 7:00am and then back to our State Room to get ready for our morning walking tour of the Old City then had free time to look round the City. Lynne & Heather spend a few hours wandering through the local craft market in the City Square where there were stalls and locals dressed in traditional costumes.
Back to the ship for lunch then back on the bus and travelled about 45 minutes through Slovakian country side to visit a typical village house. The family treated us to coffee, tea (a lemon coloured very light herbal tea) and cake made from their own blackberries.
Camille & Ava built the house themselves in 1970 (it took them about 3 years). Camille worked for the National Theatre in Bratislava for 43 years and Ava worked in the Council recording births, deaths & Marriages. Camille & Ava have a large back yard that is split up into various areas as they grow most of their own veggies and fruit including tomatoes (the largest we have ever seen), grapes, apples, pears, figs, hazel nuts, blackberries, strawberries onions, egg plants, capsicum & chilies. They also have chickens in the back part of the yard.
Camille has also done many oil painting, made ceramic tiles for inside the house. He also until recently made and sold his own wine. The house has a two level cellar and the timber entrance door (made by his son) in in the shape of a large wine barrel.
All in all a fantastic afternoon spent with the family.

Arrived back at the ship about 5:00pm and changed for dinner. There was a Port talk at 6:45pm about tomorrows visit to Vienna.
Dinner was 7:00pm and we sat with a lovely English couple, Desmond & Allan, both are very well educated and interesting to talk, particularly what is happening at present with exit from the EU.
After a 4-course dinner we walked 5 laps round the top deck. Also watched a fireworks display and saw Bratislava Castle as we said out of port.

Home grown tomatoes

Camilles Cellar

Bratislava Old Town

Bag pipe player

Cellar Door

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