Friday 9 September 2016

Wednesday 7th September 2016
The ship docked in Regensburg at 6:30am. Weather today was predicted to be a pleasant 24° with clear blue sky. It actually turned out to be 32°.
Breakfast a little later this morning (8:00am), as we had to be ready to leave the ship at 10:30am for a walking tour of Regensburg, which was the medieval capital of Germany. It boasts no less than 1300 buildings  “of historic interest “and the Altstadt (town Square) in a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Also saw the Steinerne Brücke (stone bridge) with 16 arches. The bridge was built bwtween 1135 & 1146 and is still in use today.  At the conclusion of the tour stayed in town and went to the Historische Wurstkuche (said to be the oldest Sausage House in Bavaria) overlooking the river for a lunch of spicy sausages, sauerkraut and beer.
On the walk back to the ship Lynne and Heather stopped to buy souvenirs before going back on board to prepare for our next tour.
We left the ship at 2:00pm and travelled about 15 minutes by bus to a start of the Danube Gorge where we boarded a tour boat for the 45-minute trip up the gorge to Weltenburg Abbey where we walked through the amazing Baroque Church dedicated to St George. The Monks still brew their own beer from the original recipe. The beer is said to be the best in the world and is not exported outside Bavaria. We, of course, had to taste it and it was excellent.  
Walked back to the car park and boarded the bus for the short trip to Keheim where the ship was waiting for us.
After dinner we enjoyed traditional music played by a Bavarian band. I was chosen to sing “Waltzing Matilda” (all 4 verses) with the band. Had to of course wear the Bavarian hat.

At the conclusion of the entertainment we had a drink with Eleanor, Marlene, Desmond & Alan before heading off to bed at 11:00pm.

Sailing into Regensburg

Sausage Cafe

Weltenberg Church

Weltenberg Abbey

Regensburg Town Square

Regensburg Stone Bridge


Danube Gorge

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