Friday 2 September 2016

Wednesday 31st August 2016
Another hot day with temperature predicted to in to 30’s, with clear sky and no wind.
Breakfast at 8:00am then set off for day’s outings.
Sightseeing began with a walk across the Chain Bridge (a19th century suspension bridge) that spans the Danube connecting the two cities of Buda & Pest.
Continued walking to St Stephens Basilica and went to the top of the tower that was very user friendly as it had an elevator so we didn’t have to climb step. The views across the City were spectacular. Back at ground level we explored the Church and saw the mummified right hand of St Stephen that is called the Holly Right.
As it was now around midday we decided to have lunch at a bar/bistro in front of the Basilica, chicken caesar salad for Lynne with a glass of cider. I had roasted goat cheese & beetroot salad and I sampled the local beer. Lynne bought some more fridge magnets.
Walked along the riverbank to see the “shoes on the Danube” a monument dedicated to the Jewish WWII victims in Budapest.
Back across the Chain Bridge and as the funicular (small cable & gear operated railway) was not operating we walked up many steps to the Castle District to visit Matthias Church built in 1255. It has undergone many renovations, additions & changes over the years. It has brightly coloured roof tiles. Inside is magnificent with beautiful stained glass windows and frescoes. Here is also a balcony on one side that provides great views of the ceiling and inside from a high vantage point.
Back outside and into the Fishermas Bastion, a large courtyard surrounding the church that overlooks the river. Time for a sit down so we headed to a café with river views where Lynne & Heather had sour cherry strudel & ice cream.
Feeling refreshed we walked around Fishermans Bastion, built between 1895 – 1903 in celebration of the states 1000th anniversary. Intended as observation points for looking at views, the same as tourists do today, not defensive.
As it was getting late we made our way back down the steps to our Hotel for cocktails & dinner. Pork schnitzel for Lynne and I had Hungarian roasted veal with vegetables and a local dark beer.
We walked approx. 9klms today.

All the exercise must be doing us good.

Budapest Parliament House

Chain Bridge

St Stephens Basilica

View from top of St Stephens Dome

Shoes on the Danube

Window inside Matthias Church

View over Budapest from Fishermans Bastion

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