Tuesday 6 September 2016

Sunday 4th September 2016
Another early start this morning. Up at 6:00am for a 7:00am breakfast.  Weather hot again today, 35°.
After breakfast we boarded the bus for heading for our tour of Schŏnbrunn Palace, the summer residence of the Hapsburgs. The inside of the Palace is very grand and the gardens are beautiful. Back to the ship for alight lunch. As it was so hot we decided not to walk round the city this afternoon, just stayed on board backing up photos and catching up on posts on facebook.

Diner was early this evening, a buffet at 5:30pm. Then back to the Stateroom to change ready for our evening activity, attending a private classical music concert at Palais Lobkowitz. Orchestra members from the Imperial (State) Orchestra, a tenor and Soprano entertained us for an hour in the room where Mozart gave his 1st concert. Back to the ship at 9:30pm for a cuppa as we sailed from Vienna heading for Durnstein. We went up on the sun deck to see the city lights as the ship left Vienna, but found ourselves having to sit down as we passed under 5 very low bridges which were only about half a meter above us. The Captain also had to lower the navigation bridge right down so the ship could pass under the bridges. It was great fun watching all the action.

Schoenbrunn Palace

Schoenbrunn Palace Gardens

Vienna Cathedral

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