Wednesday 28 September 2016

Tuesday 27th September 2016
Another reasonably early start again this morning (7:30pm), breakfast at 9:00am and onto the site seeing trail at 9:30am.
Weather today was similar to yesterday, a little overcast. Predicted maximum of 22°.
Caught the tube to Bond street and walked along part of Oxford street going into Selfridges and Marks & Spencer to do a bit window shopping and bought some Aussie wine, specialty English tea and biscuits to take to Desmond & Alan’s this evening.
With the shopping done we got the tube to the Burlington Arcade and had lunch at the Richou restaurant directly opposite the Arcade.
While in the Arcade I found a 1954 Rolex watch which was very nice until I asked the price, £8,290.00 or $16,500. Needless to say it is still in the shop.
We returned to the hotel via the tube and changed as we had been invited to dinner with Desmond & Alan at their apartment in Hendon.
We caught the tube to Colindale on the northern line where Alan picked us up.
We ha a delightful evening and a beautiful meal cooked by Desmond which included Christmas pudding with brandy butter. The dinner table was set with crystal wine classed and 300 year old silver cutlery which had been presented to Desmond by the parish of St Peters in Eaton when he retired in 2006.

After an excellent evening chatting with these two very knowledgeable gentlemen who have mixed with all levels of society including Princess Margret and the Duchess of Kent, we returned back to our hotel at 11:00pm.

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